The Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) issued new rules that went into effect on December 1,
2009. These rules state that product reviewers on blogs must
disclose whether they received review products for free or
received monetary payment for such reviews.
The CDs/DVDs/books we review on this site are Advance Review
Copies (ARCs) sent by record companies, publicists or
musicians; this process is common practice in the industry.
We never accept payment in exchange for a review or mention.
All reviews are submitted on
a voluntary basis; reviewers for Blues Bytes are not
compensated for their contributions.
The site takes in limited
revenue each year to defray the cost of site hosting. The
average advertising revenue for the last five years is less
than $100 annually.
We participate in Amazon and
Google Adsense affiliate programs. Links to Amazon or Google
products, searches, or services on this site contain an
affiliate id, which enables Amazon and Google to send a
small commission on anything ordered by a user who navigates
from this site or clicks through to an advertisement. Total
revenue from these two affiliate programs is less than $200
per year.
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